Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Somali pirates strike again!

Just reading the news again this morning, more Americans killed by Somali pirates. My first reaction was: ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Why does anyone go near Somalia. EVER. Its a country with plenty of violence and a lot of desperate dangerous gun-wielding guys ready to kill anyone to get what they want. Then, after all the pirate attacks from past months, its hard not to feel people going anywhere near there are just plain dumb. Its like those hikers that were walking near the border of Iran not to long ago. I just wanted to yell at the TV: HELLO, ITS IRAN YOU DUMBASSES!

ANYWAY, now that I've gotten that little rant out of the way, I realize that because I was so busy with work yesterday that I wasn't able to post on my wall, which was a bummer. However, I will today include my weekly segment:

This week's victim is none other than Food Network's Alton Brown

The host of Iron Chef America and some other cooking shows on Food Network, which my wife and I watch quite a bit (The Network, not his shows), I can't stand this guy. He thinks he is so smart and funny, and makes horrible jokes on Iron Chef America and quoting Socrates and famous people left and right, you can tell this guy has a huge ego. Is he really that smart? Who knows, but there is no way for me to get past his ridiculous on-camera personality as this know-it-all food snob who tries to lecture the audience about how amazing and smart he is. On doing some quick research I'm not the only one. People who love to hate him even have a facebook group. I suppose everyone has a facebook group hating them, but this makes me feel validated. Mr.Brown, for everything you do, and act like, you've been listed.
And with that, I've got to get back to work, but I'll leave you with Justin Beiber, another PILTH list victim getting shot and killed on tv show CSI.

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