Monday, February 28, 2011

Ann Hathaway Needs To Calm Down

Oscars 2011 presenter Kirk Douglas fights over his cane with Omar Sharif Jr. at the Academy Awards on Sunday night.So watched the Oscars last night, and ohhhh what a terrible hosting job. There were some nice moments, such as Kirk Douglas presenting Best Supporting Actress. However, Ann Hathaway was HORRIBLE. I mean, seriously she was really bad. James Franco look high on drugs during the whole thing, and Ann Hathaway probably should have had some drugs before the show, because she was so noticably nervous during the entire show, my wife mentioned, "What is she doing up there?"

No real suprises with the winners, and my wife was so unimpressed she went to bed half way through (ok ok, so maybe it had something to do with staying up all night watching the England-India match the night before). But I still think if it was any good, she might have actually tried to stay up.

Anyway, so just watching How I Met Your Mother and one of my wife's favorite shows Gossip Girl. Had some daal and a buffalo chicken quesadilla, and they were excellent.

As an aside, my wife's wonderful cooking is also available to follow on her new blog solely devoted to food, which you can see right here.

And now boys and girls, its time for
Victim of the week: New Mexico Drivers

I mean, I've lived in some pretty bad driving states. New Jersey blows. But nothing compares to New Mexico. I mean NOTHING. Cutting people off, turning into oncoming traffic, switching 4 lanes of traffic with no turn signal, going 65 MPH in a 30 MPH area, going through red lights. I think the basic road test in this state is if you have two hands and two feet they give you a drivers license. I mean, maybe most of these people are used to driving around in the desert where its nearly impossible to hit things, but MY GOD. Albuquerque is a city, YOU'RE NOT IN THE DESERT ANYMORE. LEARN TO DRIVE. My poor wife has a heart attack nearly everytime we get into our car, cus she's worried some dumbass driver is gonna hit us. Maybe instead of a Toyota, we should have purchased a tank instead. When we first came down here, I wasn't sure why so many people had some huge 4 door pick up trucks in such a flatlands type of area, but now i know why. They are afraid of getting massacred on the freeways. Sorry New Mexico, but before you hit me with your really bad drivers, you've been listed.


And to continue my "I Hate Justin Beiber" videos, here is a hilarious video of Justin Beiber getting hit by a water bottle:

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