Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What Are You Saying Exactly?

Despite a minor hiccup with apartment rent getting paid (which was entirely their fault by the way) the week has started off pretty well. Yesterday was an easy work day and there was some decent TV on last night.

Something has been bothering me for a while now though. There is someone on Facebook (who shall remain nameless) who posts the most left-wing radical nonsense on the face of the planet. I absolutely cannot stand it. They will read an article that is factually manipulative and generally the most biased information out there, think its wonderful, and spread it for her entire Facebook friend list to see. Everyone has the right to their own opinions, but most of the information is, if not completely untrue, bordering on factually incorrect. Now, I have decided to take it upon myself, as a public service, to leave comments about all of the worthless and false points in anything that they do.

I don't consider myself a true Republican or a conservative by any means. I'm quite liberal by most accounts. But this person grinds my gears on so many things, that they clearly need to be put in their place to show the world that everything isn't the dreamland scenario that this chronic left-wing nutjob believes it to be.

If they lived close by, I would grab them right now, shake them, and yell as loud as I can:

thats all for now, but I'm sure I will have more information further into my crusade against this facebook posting war. 

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