Thursday, July 28, 2011

Into the Mouth of the Beast

Oh joy, just got jury duty starting Monday, August 1st. Get to call in every night before, cross my fingers, and hope I don't get selected. Unfortunately, the way this state (NM) is run, pretty sure I'll end up getting jury duty no question. I told the wife yesterday, "I have to be honest because I'm under oath, so I have to tell them that basically anyone on trial I will think is guilty. If you're sitting there, you must have done something wrong." Ah the state of our horrible corrupt and mixed up justice system.

We shall see what happens. I'll keep this blog up to date with my jury duty hell as it happens. 

Meanwhile, last night coming home from errands we come home to find that half of our apartment (pretty much our whole living room)'s electrical outlets are off. This is rather strange, because none of the other lights or anything else in the rest of the apartment isn't working. We call the emergency maintenance guy who can't seem to figure out what it is either. He thought he might have to replace the breakers, so we went without internet, TV, XBOX etc for the evening. HOWEVER, we did watch Twilight:Eclipse on my computer (which has a really high quality graphics engine and a blue ray player) which is nice. More on that movie in a second.

So the wife calls the maintenance guy this morning, who comes by and walks in, immediately turns a light switch near the door on and DING! Everything works once again. Apparently we must have flipped it when we came back from errands and just had no idea. TALK ABOUT DUMB. Oh well, one less thing to worry about. Thank goodness it wasn't something more serious.
Dear Apartment,

I apologize for swearing at you at every opportunity last night, and I hope you won't hold it against me going forward. I was just upset because of previous electrical issues that apparently were not your fault either, but your cousin Mr.Air Conditioner on the roof. Thanks for your understanding



ANYWAY, back to Twilight. Now, where do I begin. Do i throw it on my people I love to hate list? Not the whole movie. I'll start out with the positives. The fight scenes were decent with the wolves chewing on vampires and Dakota Fanning acting pretty bad ass  NOW FOR THE NEGATIVES. I'm not a detractor of vampires and werewolves per se, but this completely different. I will try to be as quick about this huge list as possible, but here it goes:

1) Plot Canyons and Bad Storylines: It doesn't even stick to the idea of what the original conception of the vampire. Vampires eat people, they don't want to fall in love with them. That is almost as bad as me saying, you know what, I'm going to marry a cow. Stop romanticizing a monstrous soulless demon inhabiting a human body. Poor Bram Stoker is rolling around in his grave. NEXT, since when would two strapping good looking guys go for such a boring, dumb, pathetic, annoying, plain, flip-flopping girl in the first place. Not to mention getting their families involved. I could understand if it was some brilliant hot most popular girl in school type of girl, but Kristen Stewart playing Bella? REALLY? If I was one of those werewolves in the wolf pack I would have eaten Bella for breakfast then been like, "Well, solved that mess, no one gets injured or has to do stupid shit for her ANY MORE." The whole movie I'm sitting there hoping the bad guys kill her, but so disappointed because I know its never going to come true.

2) I'm really tired of these marginal (if not horrible) actors getting 'acclaim' for this terrible series of poor acting jobs. Kristen Stewart is probably one of the worst actors I've ever seen, yet she walks around like she's god's gift to Hollywood. I hope you come crashing down to earth you pretentious asshole. Pattinson and Lautner are not much better, but at least you get the sense they want to produce a better performance, its just the bloody script is so bad.

3) Since when is it ok to get married at 17 years old, leave your parents behind and everything is all hunky doory? This is teaching young girls that its ok to fall in love with some mysterious stranger, marry them and leave your family, cus you know what? YOU'LL BE HAPPY. I would love to see the percentage of girls who have done exactly that, and how many have had a happy ending. I'm guessing most are pregnant, unemployed, living in a trailer park with their Aunt Mildred. THERE ARE CONSEQUENCES TO YOUR ACTIONS PEOPLE. If I ever have a daughter, there is no way in hell I'm letting her watch Twilight. NO. WAY. IN. HELL.

*Big Deep Breath* Wow, that felt A LOT better. Needless to say I thought it was a HORRIBLE movie with all of the wrong messages. End of rant.

I appreciate you following me through that. All is well once again in the world. (Que wife watching the trailer for the next movie) *Palm to the Face*

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