Friday, January 28, 2011

The Startopher

So after some random comments from my wife, and someone asking me if I blog during a job interview, I've decided to start a new blog, with my thoughts of society, sports, movies, and a little bit of everything else. I hope you all enjoy and I look forward to writing daily, hopefully.

In addition to a daily post, every monday I will add to my "People I Love to Hate" list on the side, with a mention in my blog post about why I love to hate said individual. So look forward to that as well. I need to get rid of some pent up frustration against people that I love to hate, whether it be famous faces or just random people that bother me. I can't tell them to their faces, so how about make a list, right?

You: "Why now? Why try a third time at doing a blog?"
Me: "I dunno, stop asking"
With that said, I hope you all enjoy and thank you for reading.


  1. I have been reading Chinky's blog for quite sometime now, good to see your blog Mr. Sachinky. That hate list idea sounds too cool, I think I will have one up on my blog as well. Happy blogging =]

  2. Thank you kindly, much appriecated.
