Tuesday, January 24, 2012

All in Forms

Well, its been my first blog post in a while (even longer without a Photoshop creation attached) but nothing huge has really happened. As the world turns so to speak.  

I've just got into this new show by Lost creator JJ Abrams called Alcatraz. It definitely has a Lost feel (one of my favorite shows of course) but its a bit different as well. I've watched the past two weeks glued to the action. One thing I really like about it is some of the questions it leaves you with at the end of each episode (a la Lost). Now, unfortunately, its not as mind bending as lost is, which is sort of a let down. Its almost as if Fox told Abrams and the writers: We want you to create a Lost-like TV show, but we don't want it to be a thought provoking because we want dumb people to be able to watch it as well. So pros and cons. I'll keep watching, and I think its gotten a decent reception by most, so I doubt it will be canceled. 

In other news, I have had some interesting thoughts recently. The first regards living in a house. I never have considered myself a homebody, but I've been starting to get the feeling that I really want to live in a house that Priyam and I can decorate. We can pick out furniture, paint walls, really expand our lifestyle (and possibly even get a puppy, which is one of my life goals oddly enough). Where has this come from? Who knows, maybe its effective advertising from IKEA or something. Whatever it is, its made me start looking at houses to rent in Albuquerque. The only issue is that we're not quite completely settled here with jobs we'll have for the next ten years and tons of friends etc so getting a house might be a bit ridiculous.

Also, I read about this extremely interesting new soccer league in India with a bunch of former soccer stars:  http://www.firstpost.com/sports/move-aside-cricket-here-comes-the-indian-premier-league-soccer-187002.html

It got me thinking. I really would love to work in soccer. Plus its a new league with a bunch of stars. More to come possibly soon... 

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